God calls MacPherson Presbyterian Church to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, to make disciples, and to be His witness.
Where do you fit in His witness and work?
Check these descriptions of the various missions work at MacPherson to see where Jesus might be calling you to be His hands and feet in the world!
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Boy Scouts of America
MacPherson has proudly sponsored a Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop at the church since the 1950s. Cubs and Scouts meet nearly every Monday, year-round. All boys from 1st grade and up are welcome! The boys of Pack 771 enjoy multiple events and service activities in the local community throughout the year. The young men of Troop 771 are organized into three patrols with many camping and service activities throughout the year. New Scouts are welcomed at any time during the year! Click here to check the calendar for specific meeting times.
Community Outreach through Church Activities
MacPherson is always exploring additional outreach opportunities into the local community through church events such as Revival, Homecoming, Autumn Bazaar, Trunk or Treat, and other special activities.
Community Partners Prayer Meeting
All are welcome to join us each Monday morning at 7:00 am to fellowship and bathe the Greater Fayetteville Community and its leaders with intercessory prayer for wisdom, discernment, and God’s hand in the affairs of our community. We meet in the church’s Fellowship Hall.
Community Walking/Meditation Trail
With the helping hands of Troop 771 Eagle Scouts, MacPherson has developed a Walking/Meditation Trail through the church’s property. (Many in the community know us for our large, green soccer field; our peaceful, historical cemetery; and our large, wooded property.) Scripture and devotional verses at each stop on the trail encourage walkers and provide information about the church’s outreach and activities. All are welcome to come walk and follow the trail!
Cumberland County Schools
Working in coordination with the Mary McArthur Elementary school, the Presbyterian Women have provided outreach support to at-risk children through their Backpack Buddies program of sharing school supplies, snacks, and a caring heart to children of families in need. This effort honors a former congregation member and educator whose heart for children knew no bounds.
DSS Foster Child Outreach
Each August, MacPherson supports local foster children with a Back-to-School supply drive to fill their backpacks for the start of the school year.
Episcopal Farmworker Ministry
The Episcopal Farmworker Ministry began in the mid-1990s and supports the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families. The ministry provides outreach to 47 migrant labor camps with approximately 3,500 farmworkers each growing season by providing work clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and pants and other items including blankets, linens, pillows, pillowcases, and towels. This ministry also provides counseling, spiritual support and English as a Second Language (ESL) training. Each farmworker receives a shower kit with toiletries and other personal hygiene items and children receive Christmas presents, Easter baskets, and backpacks with school supplies. MacPherson has supported this ministry with donations and financial gifts for nearly 20 years, including a recent delivery of more than 300 pounds of donated clothing.
Feed the Hungry
Each Thanksgiving, MacPherson supports this Highland Presbyterian event with prayer and donations for turkeys, pies, and other needs.
Habitat for Humanity
MacPherson Church supports Habitat for Humanity with hands to help at building sites, by providing food for Habitat work events, and participation in the Community Faith Council. MacPherson also strongly supports Habitat’s efforts with prayer. Every Monday morning at 7:00 am, MacPherson hosts a prayer gathering in the Fellowship Hall for Habitat staff, congregation members, local pastors, and representatives of other local ministries to pray for their combined efforts in the community. All are welcome to this prayer gathering, including members of MacPherson’s sister churches—Mt. Gilead Baptist and Camp Ground United Methodist.
Operation Inasmuch
Each month, MacPherson sends a team to the Operation Inasmuch breakfast kitchen to help with serving breakfast to homeless members of our community. Church members also support other OIAM activities such as Operation Blitz Day, Feed the Hungry, and the annual Bread & Bowls Fundraiser.